Customer Testimonials
November 5
It Worked!

Fortunately, a friend recommended Money Back Experts when he discovered I lost £‎1600 to a forex scam. I think I was about to kiss that money goodbye but with the Money Back Experts Guide I was able to make a great claim for a chargeback and it worked!

Beatriz Peters
3 days ago
Money Back Expert Guide helped a ton.

The whole chargeback procedure made me feel out of my depth. Good thing the Money Back Experts process worked and my bank paid me back.

Nick Willis
November 2
Money Back Experts Guide made all the difference.

I was completely lost and I felt I was out of options. The bank simply blew me off. I tried contacting several money retrieval agencies but they told me my case was too small for their services. I lost £‎3000 and for me, that was a lot of money. Luckily, during my research, I discovered the Money Back Experts guide and I immediately bought it. I can say that it helped immensely. After reading it I was ready to bring up my case against my bank once again, and this time I was persistent and confident. I am in the middle of a negotiation and I couldn’t have gone so far without their help.

Patricia Rupert
3 days ago
I got my money from my bank!

Thanks to the Money Back Experts Step-by-Step Guide I got my $2600 back from my bank. I don’t think I would have succeeded without it. It cleared things up and it gave me the right information to pursue my case.

Ann Mitchell
3 days ago
The guide really opened my eyes.

I was afraid the guide would be too complicated and that I wouldn’t be able to use it. Since it didn’t cost much I decided to buy it, and I’m sure glad I did. It was a breeze to read and I could understand everything. It really opened my eyes, and it helped me prepare for my case.

Miguel Gutierez
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